Our Physiotherapists
Expert Physiotherapist
He graduated from Yeditepe University, Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation in 2016. In 2020, he got his Master's Degree in Sports Physiotherapy from Yeditepe University. Myofascial Trigger Point-Myofascial Release, Cervical and Thoracic Spine Mobilization/Manipulation, Muscle Energy, Strain-Counter Strain, Lumbar Spine and Sacroiliac Joint Mobilization/Manipulation, Neuromobilization Techniques, Proprioceptive Training, Upper and Lower Extremity Mobilization/Manipulation training from MC became a manual therapist. He completed Manual Lymph Drainage / Complex Unloading Physiotherapy training from Földi school in Germany. She completed her Pilates training from Modified Matwork Pilates – Australian Physiotherapy and Pilates (APPI). He has many more certificates such as Kinesiology Taping, Reformer Pilates, Pelvic Dysfunction, Yoga, Breath Therapy, Dry Needling, Facial Distortion Model, Graston Technique. He founded Sportherapia in 2019.
Ugur Durmaz
He graduated from Yeditepe University, Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation in 2017. In 2019, he continues his master's degree at iDicle University, Institute of Health Sciences, Human Physiology (Exercise and Sports) department .
Manual Lymph Drainage/Complex Draining Physiotherapy, Functional Movement System (FMS), Neuro Kinetic Therapy, Manual Therapy (Upper/Lower Region Mobilization), Graston Technique, Human Physiology,Breathing Therapy_d04a07d328-9c 9149-20813d6c673b_ has many certifications in Dry Needling, Pain education and practice. He continues to work at Sportherapia and Akeso Physical Therapy Center in England.